Set Goals You Can Keep

Discover Motivo – the app that helps you effortlessly track your goals, and stay motivated.

Our Mission

At Motivo our mission is to empower individuals to set and complete any goals they might have. From the simplest task to the most life changing aspirations we will guide them every step along the way. Through personalized plans, tips and motivation we will help individuals turn their dreams into reality.

Generate A Plan

We will generate a personal plan for you that will help you reach your goal.

Check Off Tasks

Mark off the tasks you need to complete to achieve your goal.

Ask Tivo

Ask Tivo for advice and motivation throughout your goal.

Take A Pause

When you need a brack, simply pause your task for the day or week.

Earn Rewards

Get rewarded for completing your goal! And share it with your friends.

Follow Friends

Follow your friends and cheer them on while they complete their goals.

Answers To A Few Good Questions.

Motivo uses AI by generating steps and tasks that align with goal inputs and personal survey choices.

Yes, you can! Motivo is powered by AI so it can adapt to any goal you enter. Just be careful to double-check information if you are unsure.

Yes! Goal plans can be customized by adding tasks to different steps after the plan is generated.

If you miss a daily or weekly task, it will automatically pause, and your goal buddy, Tivo, will remind you to complete it the next day. Remember, a goal can't be completed without every task being finished.

By completing badges, you can gain access to different customizations to change the look of your planet.

You can support your friends by liking their achievements!